Compact Helical Converter for On-Site Bio Waste Processing
Compact Helical Biodegradable Waste Converter SHESHA
Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Energy & Environment, Consumer Goods & Services
The Compact Helical Biodegradable Waste Converter SHESHA (शेष) is a novel, space-efficient system designed for decentralized processing of biodegradable waste in smaller settings like housing societies, restaurants, and hotels. It processes waste directly at the source, producing high-quality fuel and manure, and eliminates the need for waste transport. The system is cost-effective, easy to construct using low-cost PVC pipes, and can handle varying waste quantities. Its design allows for biogas recycling and monitoring of process parameters, making it both practical and environmentally friendly.
IP Type or Form Factor: Platform; Design
TRL: 6 - prototype validated in intended environment
Industry or Tech Area: Circular Economy & Waste Upcycling; Hospitality & Tourism