Compact Underwater Plasma Shock Wave Generator
Compact Pulsed Plasma Based High Pressure Shock Wave Generators for Constrained Liquid Immersed Spaces
Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Science & Exploration
The Compact Pulsed Plasma-Based Shock Wave Generator is a portable and efficient device designed to create high-pressure shock waves by electrically exploding a conducting wire in underwater conditions. It generates controlled pressure pulses, reaching up to 100 MPa at 5 cm from the wire, and works effectively even in saline water environments. Applications include metal nanopowder production, food tenderization, and packaging survivability testing. The system is compact, measuring 1.6 meters in length and 115 mm in diameter, and operates with high voltage insulation for safety. Its design ensures that the pressures generated do not exceed the ultimate breakdown strength of steel but are significant enough to surpass the limits of plastics.
IP Type or Form Factor: Device; Design
TRL: 6 - prototype validated in intended environment
Industry or Tech Area: Marine Exploration & Conservation; Nanotechnology