Cost-Effective Dye Removal & Water Recycling for Textiles
Radiation Assisted Adsorbent Technology for Textile Effluent Decolouration (RAd-TED)
Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Consumer Goods & Services, Energy & Environment
The Radiation Assisted Adsorbent Technology for Textile Effluent Decolouration (RAd-TED) is a cost-effective, eco-friendly solution designed to remove anionic dyes from wastewater generated by cotton/viscose textile industries. This technology uses radiation-grafted cotton fabric to adsorb dyes, ensuring that treated water can be reused within the industry, reducing fresh water consumption and associated costs. The process does not generate toxic by-products and is suitable for small to medium-scale textile industries. RAd-TED has been validated in industrial settings and offers a simple, scalable solution to meet strict environmental norms, particularly for industries with limited financial resources. The technology also promotes sustainability by recycling the exhausted adsorbent fabric into low-cost products.
IP Type or Form Factor: Material; Process & Method
TRL: 7 - product operates in intended environment with industrial standards
Industry or Tech Area: Textile & Garment; Wastewater Treatment