Eco-Friendly Concrete Seawall Promotes Biodiversity
Eco-Tiles for Enhancing Marine Biodiversity
Tags: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Science & Exploration, Energy & Environment
The Eco-Tile technology transforms artificial shorelines into biodiverse ecosystems by encouraging marine life growth on seawalls. It features eco-friendly concrete with 20-40% recycled material, significantly reducing the carbon footprint. The design harbors twice as many species as traditional seawalls, promoting sustainable fisheries and improving water quality. Its application is global, fitting various seawall types and environments, making future constructions more environmentally beneficial. This innovation offers a tangible solution to the environmental damage caused by artificial shorelines.
IP Type or Form Factor: Patent Pending; Design; Material
TRL: 7 - product operates in intended environment with industrial standards
Industry or Tech Area: Marine Exploration & Conservation; Circular Economy & Waste Upcycling