Frugal Microfluidic Device for Fast, Portable Drug Screening
Frugal Microfluidic Device for Drug Screening and Testing
Tags: IIT Bombay, India, Healthcare & Lifesciences
Researchers have developed a frugal, static microfluidic device for drug screening that generates gradient concentrations without requiring external accessories like pumps or tubing. This portable, ready-to-use device allows for testing multiple drug combinations in a single well of a six-well plate, making it cost-effective and user-friendly. It reduces the time and resources required for drug testing while maintaining accuracy and reproducibility. Applications include faster and more affordable in vitro drug screening in low-budget research labs and remote pathology clinics. The device has been tested with two different drugs on two cell types, showing promising results.
IP Type or Form Factor: Patent Pending; Device; Process & Method
TRL: 6 - prototype validated in intended environment
Industry or Tech Area: Pharmaceutical Engineering; Biotechnology