High-Quality NaI Crystals for Precise Radiation Detection
Technology to Grow Single Crystals of NaI:Tl and Fabrication of Radiation Detectors
Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Science & Exploration, Healthcare & Lifesciences
This technology involves the development of high-quality, crack-free single crystals of NaI using a modified Bridgman technique for use in gamma-ray spectroscopy and radiography. The crystals exhibit excellent energy resolution of less than 7% at 662 keV, making them ideal for radiation detectors in various applications, including nuclear physics experiments and whole-body counting. The innovative crystal growth system includes a precise temperature control mechanism and a uniquely designed silica crucible, enabling the production of crystals up to 50 mm in diameter and 60 mm in length with nearly 100% yield. The technology also covers the processing of these crystals and the fabrication of scintillator detectors using photo-multiplier tubes.
IP Type or Form Factor: Material; Device
TRL: 6 - prototype validated in intended environment
Industry or Tech Area: Nuclear Energy & Physics; Diagnostics & Screening