Hybrid Air Filter Masks for Long-Lasting Particle Capture
Tribo-Charge Enhanced Hybrid Air Filter Masks for Efficient Particulate Matter Capture with Greatly Extended Service Life
Tags: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Wellness, Safety & Fitness, Energy & Environment
This technology introduces a hybrid air filter mask that significantly enhances filtration efficiency for particles ranging from 11.5 nm to 2.5 µm. It offers stable filtration efficiency of 94%–99% for key particle sizes and extends mask service life to 48 hours. The low pressure drop and 100% sterilization effect make it suitable for personal healthcare, face masks, and indoor air quality control. The technology is easily integrated into current manufacturing processes, targeting a global market for protective masks.
IP Type or Form Factor: Material
TRL: 4 - minimum viable product built in lab
Industry or Tech Area: Health & Safety; Environment & Sustainability