Low-Carbon High-Strength Concrete with Upcycled Solid Waste
Durability and Ecological Assessment of Low-Carbon High-Strength Concrete with Short AR-Glass Fibers: Effects of High-Volume of Solid Waste Materials
Tags: Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, Construction & Smart Cities, Energy & Environment
This research investigates the durability and ecological benefits of low-carbon high-strength concrete (HSC) incorporating solid waste materials like ceramic waste powder (CWP), glass powder (GP), and granite waste powder (GWP). The study found that replacing Portland cement with 10% GP and 20% GWP enhanced the concrete's mechanical properties and reduced water penetration. The use of these waste materials significantly reduced carbonation depth and improved resistance to elevated temperatures. Applications include sustainable construction practices for high-strength, low-carbon concrete. The environmental assessments indicated reduced carbon footprint, energy use, and costs.
IP Type or Form Factor: Discovery & Research; Material
TRL: 5 - prototype ready for testing in intended environment
Industry or Tech Area: Construction; Circular Economy & Waste Upcycling