MED-TVC Desalination: High-Purity Water, Low Energy Use
Multi Effect Distillation with Thermo Vapour Compression (MED-TVC) Desalination Technology
Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Industrial Automation & Manufacturing, Electronics & Robotics
The Multi-Effect Distillation with Thermo Vapour Compression (MED-TVC) desalination technology is a modular, compact system designed to efficiently produce high-purity distilled water from seawater. Utilizing thin film evaporation and thermo vapour compression, the system operates at low temperatures with a high heat transfer coefficient, minimizing scaling and reducing cooling seawater requirements. This technology is ideal for producing distilled water with less than 10 µS/cm conductivity, suitable for applications in power plants, semiconductor manufacturing, and potable water production. The MED-TVC system has been successfully demonstrated at a prototype plant, producing 240 m³/day, with scale-up designs available for larger capacities of 1,000 m³/day. The plant is designed for high steam economy, reducing the environmental impact and operational costs of desalination.
IP Type or Form Factor: Platform; Design
TRL: 8 - product is ready for commercial scale up
Industry or Tech Area: Purification & Separation; Semiconductors