Nolz1 Gene is Key to Lung Development and Cancer Cure
Research on Brain-Nerve Uncovers Key Lung Development Gene, Offering Insights into Tumor Formation and New Treatment Approaches
Tags: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, Healthcare & Lifesciences
Researchers from NYCU have uncovered the role of the Nolz1 gene in both brain and lung development, revealing its critical impact on lung morphogenesis. The study found that defects in Nolz1 reduce lung cell proliferation and bronchial branching, potentially leading to developmental abnormalities. The team discovered that Nolz1 is part of the "Fgf9-Nolz1-Wnt2" signaling pathway, regulating lung development. Applications of this research include developing treatments for lung defects and cancer. This discovery offers new therapeutic insights for lung development and disease.
IP Type or Form Factor: Discovery & Research
TRL: 3 - proof of concept with needs validated
Industry or Tech Area: Biotechnology; Healthcare Provider