Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Security & First Responders, Wellness, Safety & Fitness
The Quick Scan Whole Body Monitor (QS-WBM) is an in-vivo monitoring system designed for rapid detection of internal radioactive contamination in radiation workers handling high-energy gamma emitters. It is optimized for use in nuclear and radiological facilities, capable of processing up to 30 persons per hour with a one-minute counting time. The system offers high sensitivity comparable to conventional monitors, with a design that accommodates 99% of Indian adult body dimensions. It is partially automated, cost-effective, and requires minimal manpower, making it ideal for large-scale monitoring during routine operations or emergencies. The QS-WBM is also useful for assessing the public in radiation emergencies.
IP Type or Form Factor: Device; Platform; Design; Process & Method
TRL: 7 - product operates in intended environment with industrial standards
Industry or Tech Area: Law Enforcement & First Responders; Health & Safety