Solar Powered Radiation Monitor for Real Time Gamma Detection
Environmental Radiation Monitor (ERM)
Tags: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India, Science & Exploration, Security & First Responders
The Environmental Radiation Monitor (ERM) is a standalone, solar-powered, and battery-operated device designed to monitor outdoor natural gamma radiation using Geiger-Mueller (GM) detectors. It provides real-time data communication via GSM and is capable of detecting gamma radiation over a wide range, from 50 nGy.h-1 to 10 Gy.h-1. The system is ideal for long-term environmental monitoring in public spaces, defense locations, nuclear power plants, and research institutions. It is designed for ease of installation and can operate independently for up to 10 days without sunlight, making it highly reliable in various environmental conditions. The ERM is a crucial tool for radiological safety, providing continuous monitoring and rapid reporting in case of emergencies.
IP Type or Form Factor: Device; Design
TRL: 8 - product is ready for commercial scale up
Industry or Tech Area: Nuclear Energy & Physics; Defense & Security