Stronger 3D Printed Copper Parts for Anti-Viral Coatings
High Strength, High Conductivity, Copper Alloy
Tags: The University of Queensland, Australia, Science & Exploration, Industrial Automation & Manufacturing
Researchers have developed a technology integrating pure copper with nanoparticles, enhancing its utility in medical applications like anti-viral coatings. This invention uses ultrasonic vibration and mechanical mixing, enabling the production of stronger, more ductile 3D printed parts with improved fabrication control. Components fabricated with this method show significantly enhanced strength and ductility while maintaining thermal and electrical conductivity. The technology's application extends to creating high-density copper parts for medical environments, reducing virus residence time. This advancement allows for more durable and effective copper-based materials in healthcare settings.
IP Type or Form Factor: Process & Method; Material
TRL: Not specified
Industry or Tech Area: Nanotechnology; 3D Printing