More Ways to Search

Tech offers on University Tech are also categorised by IP Type, Form Factor and TRL (Technology Readiness Level) as per the following framework. You can shortlist relevant results using the search icon on the top right above (this is found on the home page if you are using your phone).

The Notes section on the navigation bar has more context on the background and problem statements behind some of the tech offers.

IP Type

  • Copyright

  • Open Access

  • Patent Pending

  • Patent Granted

  • Trademark

  • Trade Secret

Form Factor

  • Design

  • Device

  • Discovery & Research

  • Material

  • Platform

  • Process & Method

  • Programme & Content

  • Software & Algorithm

TRL (Technology Readiness Level)

  • Not specified

  • 1 - basic research with defined needs

  • 2 - technology concept and/or application formulated

  • 3 - proof of concept with needs validated

  • 4 - minimum viable product built in lab

  • 5 - prototype ready for testing in intended environment

  • 6 - prototype validated in intended environment

  • 7 - product operates in intended environment with industrial standards

  • 8 - product is ready for commercial scale up

  • 9 - product is available for commercial sale